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FranchiseSky Zone Franchise vs. Altitude:
How to Decide
Sky Zone Franchise vs. Altitude: How to Decide
Joining the rebounding trampoline park industry can be a fun and profitable business endeavor. Industry analysis company Market.us reports the global trampoline park market was worth $837.8 million as of 2022 and is projected to grow to $357 billion between 2023 and 2032. For those seeking to jump into this rising market, joining a franchise is a viable strategy. But it’s important to pick a franchise that fits with your goals, your business philosophies, and your resources. Let’s compare two franchises and see how they stack up.
At a Glance
When choosing a franchise, the numbers matter, especially when it comes to starting costs and recurring costs. Let’s look at the Sky Zone franchise and the Altitude franchise side-by-side:

When considering which franchise to join, you should always be sure to review their franchise disclosure documents (FDDs). These documents contain a comprehensive overview of each franchise, what they provide their franchisees, what duties and responsibilities the franchisees have to the franchisor, the franchise fee schedules, and more. Consider how much you can afford, what financial resources are available to you, and what it will cost to pursue your long-term and short-term business goals. It’s also advisable to hire a franchising attorney for this.
More Free Space
When considering a trampoline park franchise, space both physical and in the marketplace are important considerations. According to Sky Zone franchise’s FDD, their average franchise ranges in size between 15,000–40,000 square feet.
In comparison, Altitude’s parks range in size from 20,000–100,000 square feet. A park layout with more square footage allows franchisees like you to arrange the attractions the way you want, as well as have room for additions to grow your business later.
Speaking of growth, according to Entrepreneur’s profile on Sky Zone franchise, as of 2023 Sky Zone has 191 locations, while Altitude has 79. While both franchises are growing, Altitude has more room for new members, which means you’ll stand out more among your fellow Altitude franchisees. It also means there are more open local markets that haven’t already been staked by existing Altitude owners.
More Than Just Business
A business can be more than just a means of making money. It can also be a way to support local communities. We at Altitude encourage our franchisees to become pillars of their local communities, encouraging customers of all ages to adopt a healthy, active lifestyle. Our franchisees frequently host events for local schools and youth organizations, and our brand is a proud supporter of the American Heart Association. We also stay in regular contact with franchisees to share in their successes and challenges, and we host our own convention, AirCon, for franchisees and business partners.
Sticking Your Landing on a Franchise Choice
Sky Zone’s franchise costs, franchise fees, and other factors are all things to consider, as it is for any franchise you may want to join. Sky Zone may be the right fit for a franchisee looking for a brand whose locations have a smaller footprint, focus on the business side of owning a trampoline park, and have a large market presence. However, if you’re interested in joining a franchise where you have a good chance to stand out, with an equal interest in both business success and community involvement, then Altitude may be the best choice for you.
Jump Happy with Altitude
We’re eager to offer you the opportunity to reach new heights (literally and professionally). Our indoor playground franchise is open to ambitious businesspeople like you, ready to spread their wings and join this exciting industry.Fill out our franchise form today to learn more about your franchising opportunity with Altitude.